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Currently in Pokhara, Nepal, feeling the sacred and spiritual energies...

The ancient system of Reiki Usui, or Reiki Natural Healing, began in 1922 with Dr Mikau Usui. During an intensive fasting experience, Mikau Usui spent 21 days meditating and fasting on a mountain near his Buddhist monastery.

He ate nothing and drank only natural mountain/spring water. During his intensive fasting experience he experienced many enlightening and profoundly awakening moments, having profound realizations and epiphanies, as well as attaining enlightenment. On the 21st day he made his way back down the mountain, and as he did so, he tripped and stubbed his big toe. Naturally and intuitively, he went down to hold his hand over his hurt toe, and he felt the pain go away instantly. He also felt a natural energy force field, which we have come to know as healing energy, chi (ki in Japanese) or universal life force flow through his hands. 

The Japanese word ‘reiki’ can be translated as ‘universal life energy’ and is also known as chi, prana, vital life force, or source energy. The Usui System is a way of working with reiki for healing of self and others. The word healing is used in the sense of regaining harmony and wholeness on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual planes of consciousness. Reiki as a mystic and healing art is rooted in the light, I don’t know anyone who would use reiki for dark intentions or evil motives! We live in a world of energy that nourishes and maintains all living things; when this energy flows uninterrupted, there is balance and harmony within and around us, and we experience a sense of well-being. Reiki is a holistic system of health and spiritual illumination, and being attuned to Reiki (to become a practitioner or healer) or receiving reiki healing therapy opens your chakras- your subtle energy bodies.

Reiki unlocks hidden gifts, wisdom, and talents, skills related to this life and past and future ones. Your multidimensional light body is awakened, and the higher energy centre can come into play, like your Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. These are the chakras that are usually blocked or closed until later in life. 


  • Reiki allows one to channel healing energy more powerfully and effectively. It can energize food, nature, animals, humans, and yourself (any “receiver”) with love, light, and good health.

  • Vital life force enhances with reiki healing energy. Whether you’re the channel or are receiving, Reiki removes blockages, speeds up inner healing processes, and clears tension and disharmonies from the body’s subtle energy systems. 

  • Reiki energy balances the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies. 

  • It boosts immune and other bodily systems, stimulates past-life memory recall, and can open you up to multidimensional wisdom and subconscious insights from dreams.

  • Psychic self-awareness, imaginative gifts, intuition, extrasensory powers, and spiritual powers increase.

  • Intellect, wit, logic, problem-solving, subtle perception, analytical thinking, higher ideals and philosophies, and mental peace, clarity, and tenacity amplify.

  • Physical instincts, vitality, stamina, life force, libido, energy, and strength expand.

  • Creativity, innovation, originality, sociability, friendliness, confidence, self-esteem, joy, emotional intelligence, empathy, compassion, and sensitivity are sparked. 

  • Communication and self-expression coupled with key listening and speaking skills, moreover the healing of blocks, wounds, and trauma come with Reiki!

  • Reiki increases vital life force energy to the cells of your body, actively altering DNA which is responsible for all your bodies programming and the messages received. Essentially, on a very physical level, reiki re-programs DNA, which in turn affects one’s entire way of being, from thoughts to emotions and mood, and to where we choose to direct our awareness.

  • The mind, body, and spirit system is strengthened and unified. 

  • Overwhelming thoughts and feelings coupled with self-sabotaging mindsets and belief systems can be overcome; toxicity and karmic chapters are let go of and transcended…

  • Stress, anxiety, and social tension is released and eased, while self-limiting or self-destructive ideologies and toxic cycles are brought to light. You can see through illusions, deception, and manipulation too- all reiki healers become master BS detectors. Receiving reiki has similar effects. 

  • Ultimately, Reiki is an ancient healing art that stimulates your higher energy centres while removing blocks and distortions or illusion from your lower ones. As a result, your Rainbow Body is awakened and activated. You become whole, healthy, and harmonized within; you live with longevity, self-love, and unconditional love for others, without sacrificing important boundaries. 

  • Your soul’s blueprint- your soulprint- is awakened and found. The Usui Reiki method of natural healing initiates deep inner cleansing, purging, and activation to awaken hidden or suppressed gifts and talents. You can find your purpose, passion, and true path. 

Reiki can help you with sparking sacred sexuality and inner divinity, as well as living life with a state of inner calmness and tranquility; it can increase mindfulness, greater Higher Self alignment, and commitment to universal truth, moreover make you more receptive to receiving experiences aligned with greater joy and peace. It assists in maintaining health and balance of all the body's systems, and can lead to greater levels of creative expression, learning, vitality, emotional maturity, and sustainable pleasure with others that is harmonious and healthy. On an emotional and mental level, reiki allows us to become less reactive and respond from a place of cooperation, oneness/mutual respect, and teamwork or harmony. Greater compromise, unity, and morality is accessible. Unconditional love is attainable. Self-love too. Eventually, people who work with reiki energy for long periods of time through giving as a channel/healer or receiving find precognitive and prophetic powers increase. Your mind, body, emotional self, astral self, and spirit become attuned to a higher reality, where compassionate, intelligent, and multidimensional qualities reign supreme.

Spiritual Benefits of Reiki

This area is rather broad and the list of spiritual experiences and benefits one can receive from reiki is Infinite. Spirit is complex (yet so paradoxically simple) as some things and energetic states in the universe cannot be measured from our human understanding of time and space, which is linear and likes to 'put everything into boxes,' or separated categories. The human mind likes to rationalize, categorize, separate, and conclude something as being 'this or that,' however in reality, most natural phenomena and different frequency and vibrational states exist beyond that in which our current mind state perceives and defines in.


In this respect, connecting to Reiki energy opens our minds, our hearts and our neural pathways to new possibilities and experiences that exist beyond (yet in harmony with) the very physical and three dimensional reality we are used to residing in. In essence, reiki aligns us more with our spirit, the natural world, and our heart centers, due to the understandings and greater awareness that all is One, interconnected, and, just as our bodies are designed to achieve homeostasis (a state of natural equilibrium), so is our planet as a living organism and the universe and existence as a whole. Reiki therefore allows us to bring healing and wholeness not only to ourselves, but to our beautiful planet and world as we perceive it. Our thoughts (mental body), emotions (emotional body), actions (physical body) and spiritual state/vibration (spiritual body) all ripple out and effect not only our internal environments but our outer world, and therefore the whole of existence that comes with it. We create our reality, and connecting with and receiving Reiki can bring many beautiful benefits that allow us to reside in a state of health, balance, peace, vitality, love, and higher awareness!

(Some) Spiritual benefits of reiki...

Third eye opening- able to perceive subtle energy and energetic thought forms (telepathy) and emotional state of others (highly developed empathy) that transcends the physical senses. Astral encounters, travel, and receiving wisdom, insight, images, symbols or visions through the realms. Connecting to reiki energy increases your ability to access other dimensions, where ancient wisdoms, archetypes, symbolism and learnings through thought and image projections are rich. A rich dream world- you may start to receive profound lessons, insights, and wisdoms through your subconscious in dream states. Reiki and working with subtle energy states can allow one to see auras, while feeling the vibratory state of each individual chakra, in addition to sensing and knowing the emotional, mental, physical or spiritual health and overall wellbeing of a person.*Intuition (listening to your inner knowing and trusting your higher self), self expression, communication your truth, seeing beyond illusions, and becoming your own authority and power all greatly develop with reiki energy. Creative expression & 'channeling' higher knowledge/power. Channeling is, in essence, tuning in to certain frequencies and vibrational states of being. Our brains our transmitters and receivers, and there are many dimensions and vibratory states of being. Connecting with reiki energy can open you up to an entire new reality and world of experience through connection to the spirit realms. The possibilities are endless. Reiki can connect heart with higher self/your 'super-consciousness'- otherwise known as God/Source/Spirit. This is in simple reality perceiving in a state of awareness that is connected, seeing all as One, without ego or judgement, and living from a higher truth; a reality free from stress, negativity, and disunity, and further seeing how everything exists (or is designed to exist) in its ideal form, or perfect vibratory state.

Every living organism has its ideal Blueprint, its highest state of existence; it's perfect health. Living in alignment with the heart and your Higher Self/the higher mind can harmonize you with this ideal form. In this state of being, we begin to see the light and love within everyone and every situation, allowing us to reflect compassion, wisdom, understanding, empathy, and love to those we meet. ✧

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